Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I reached a goal!

This is totally unrelated to writing, but I was too excited not to post here. I’m doing the happy dance all over my house. I REACHED MY GOAL WEIGHT. WooHoo! I’ve mentioned it here before, but it bears repeating. At the first of ’08 I joined an online group called SparkPeople for folks who want to lose weight or just adopt a healthier lifestyle.

I guess this is writing related because sitting behind a desk every day pursuing this writing career helped lead to a weight gain that had me outgrowing everything in my closet. My wakeup call came when I busted out my pantyhose two Sundays in a row at church. Like the Hoover Dam, those things are only designed to withstand so much pressure.

I had to do something about my weight or resign myself to buying a whole new wardrobe, including pantyhose. I wasn’t willing to do that.

So even if you don’t need to shed any weight, but you are interested in maintaining your current weight or you just want to surround yourself with like-minded people who also are striving to live healthier, check out SparkPeople.

I’m glad I did. And I’m so glad I reached my goal weight.

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