Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Passion for Writing

Last weekend I attended a writers' retreat in Dayton, Ohio. I came home pumped and ready to tear it up on my lastest manuscript. Then, guess what, the week got in the way. Between cleaning, shopping and preparing for the 30+ guests who will descend upon my home tomorrow, I barely wrote a word. While I look forward to holiday guests and all the parties and celebrating that come with the Christmas season, I tend to stress over my writing schedule and all the things I still haven't done.

In the midst of my frustration over what I need to do--update my website, add layers to my current romance, better illuminate my hero who is such a great guy, and perhaps sell a book or two--but can't seem to find the time, I was reminded of what a very sweet, astute lady wrote to a group of writers not long ago.

Just when I needed encouragement in this writing journey, I read these words by Lea Ann McCombs: "I just wanted to encourage every one of us with the reminder that it is God who has placed this passion for written expression in our hearts. It is He who gives the story, the twists, and the truths that we weave into the lives of our characters. So it is also He who will see it through to whatever end He had in mind in the first place.

Whether it becomes a bestseller or one little old lady's favorite book, God's purpose for our writing is what we must desire. We study to to our very best, but in the end, it is up to God what happens to it. And that's all right with me. Take heart today as you struggle with whatever writing phase you are in at the moment. The result is not really up to you. This is God's show. Write for Him today."

Thank you, Lea Ann. And thank you, Heavenly Father, for using your people to encourage us in just the way we need at just the right time.

You can learn more about Lea Ann at her blogs.

And a very happy Thanksgiving to All.


  1. Oh, WOW! Thanks for this.

  2. Thanks, Theresa, for your kind words. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. I liked your analogy of my book becoming a bestseller or an old lady's favorite book. God has a purpose for every word we write. We're the ones who put expectations on our gifts.

  4. Oh, I so needed to hear that.
    I haven't been writing since returning from a writers' conf last month. And it's killing me!!
    The tyranny of the urgent has urgently won!
