Monday, April 27, 2009

I don't know about the rest of you, but the changing of the seasons always makes me anxious to change something in my life. Bad habits to kick. New habits to implement. This week over at ACFW, we are discussing spring cleaning, chiefly concerning our writing careers.

The question was: Is there a bad habit that you need to toss (like passive writing or adverbs)? Or maybe there's a new habit you need to begin now. Perhaps you have a new project that will sprout this week. Or an old WIP is begging you to dust it off and apply a fresh coat of paint. Maybe you need to look at your writing schedule or your craft to find the holes and mend them. Maybe it's time for a fresh beginning in a new WIP or the renewed fervor in finishing an old one.

There are plenty of holes in my writing schedule that need mended. Besides wasting time like nobody's business, I need to get focused.

While brainstorming on two new writing projects and trying to decide which one to move forward, I realized once again, I'm making the process too hard on myself and consequently, accomplishing nothing. I have a complete outline for both mss. I know what's going to happen, got the gist of the story down. Yet I'm dragging my feet.

Why? Besides being intimidated at the thought of beginning another novel length project, I'm thinking too much. I always tell aspiring writers to JUST DO IT.

Physician, heal thyself.

I need to take the leap of faith off the cliff and grow my wings on the way down. It's always a fun ride.

Wishing all a fabulous week.


  1. Boy did I need that kick in the pants! Flying that.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  2. You and me both Elizabeth. Thanks for posting.
