Monday, December 14, 2009

The Last Full Workweek of the First Decade of the New Millennium

This is the last full workweek before Christmas. Actually it’s the last full workweek of the first decade of the new millennium. At least it is for me. Doctor’s appointment this week and party this weekend to plan, shop, and clean for. Besides the usual gift wrapping, last minute shopping, and all the other things that need done well before the twenty-fifth, squeezing in writing time is going to be tough.

But this is Monday. We have a full week to make something happen in our writing before the relatives descend—or we catch the plane to their house—before the kids begin rifling through our closets in search of bounty, before the dog needs taken to the kennel and the cookies need to go in the oven.

What tips have you picked up along this writing journey that keep your butt in the chair and your fingers on the keyboard? The key things for me are routine and discipline. I wake up before six every morning and jump right in. I eat half a granola bar while watching Joyce Meyer and then do an hour long exercise routine. After a shower and phone call to a friend, I eat my real breakfast and get straight to work. On days when I can’t keep this routine for whatever reason—like aforementioned doctor’s appointment—my entire day is shot. Even if most of the afternoon remains, my productivity level drops to nearly zero. I can't explain why I get nothing done simply because of an appointment or unscheduled visit from friends, but it always happens that way.

It’s the end of the year, dear writers. Two weeks and 2009 will be a memory. I have several projects to wrap up before then. If I don’t hustle this week, my totally manageable tasks will follow me into the New Year to be added to what needs done in the next decade.

Let’s practice some discipline and routine this week. Consider this your last workweek of the first decade of the new millennium. Now let’s get cracking.

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