Sunday, April 20, 2008

What not to do when you should be writing

I spent more time in the last week or two preparing for the upcoming Write-on Writers Conference in Coshocton, OH than I did writing. Balancing writing and all the other things that come with being a published author is probably the hardest part of this business. I knew going in most of the marketing and networking would be up to me. Writing a book is only the tip of the iceberg if you don't have a famous name to put on the cover or if you want to reach more readers than just your mother.

Speaking still makes me nervous, but I've found it's one of the perks of this job. I love sharing with people about the writing life, and more importantly, what I've learned on my journey. And isn't it fun to talk about your passion?

Encouraging and motivating new writers is a great way to spend a weekend. Many readers of this blog are aspiring writers who I hope I have encouraged in some way on your personal journey. Before the next week begins and we all try to squeeze writing time between all the other tasks that need doing, I want to leave you with a list of what not to do when sitting down to write.

1. Don't check your email.
2. Don't log in to your writers' groups to see what everyone else is doing.
3. Don't update your computer files.
4. Don't update your contacts list.
5. Don't turn on the television and call it research.
6. Don't answer the phone. (It's a telemarketer anyway.)
7. Don't walk the dog.
8. Don't change the litterbox.
9. Don't imagine what you'd look like as a redhead.
10. Don't run to the store to pick up the latest shade of Spicy Chestnut.
11. Don't start a grocery list.
12. Don't wash the dishes.
13. Don't straighten your desk.
14. Don't take out the trash.
15. Don't sort through your TBR list for inspiration.
16. Don't wonder what you'll wear to your next book signing.
17. Don't wonder if anyone will come to your next book signing.
18. Don't Google yourself or your book title.
19. Don't stress over all the time you've already wasted.
And the last thing not to do when you should be writing-----Don't think of 20 more things to add to this list.

Have a blessed and productive week.

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